• Do You Need to Recapture the Wonder of Christmas?

    They call it the most wonderful time of year, but for many, I have a feeling it’s not. We string lights and add color, and with pretty things and presents under the tree, we try to add a little joy to our separate worlds. Meanwhile, most days, we’re a mess of emotions and worry and fear and stress. Each day, the world looks a little bleaker, and our LED Christmas lights can only shine so bright. 

  • Learning to Live with Our Eyes Wide Open

    At the end of Mark chapter 10, there are seven verses about a guy named Bartimaeus. It’s a story much like many others found in the gospels. Bartimaeus was a blind beggar who sat roadside seeking handouts until he met Christ and joined the ranks of those who once were blind but now could see due to God’s great grace. Yet, there are a few aspects of Bartimaeus’s story I can’t stop rehearsing.

  • old clock

    The Time for Silence is Over Church

    It's time for a team huddle. Our biggest problem is not what it looks like. We boast of our wealth and accomplishments. We boast in our meager understanding. We stand up for causes we deem worthy, but how much do we stand for God? How much credit do we give to Him?

  • A Different Kind of Stimulus Package

    We’re all about stimulus these days. It’s our public duty to spend money, right? At least that’s what I keep telling my husband. It’s up to us to eat out. It’s up to us to go through that drive-thru and support that local business and get this economy going again. Come on, mama wants some new furniture. But do you know what’s more important than stimulating the economy? Stimulating the gospel out into a world in desperate need of good news.

  • The Greatness God Is Looking For

    The Greatness God Is Looking For

    Do you know what’s really hard for humanity? Humility. Pride is what we fancy. We’re more at home with appreciating our significance than we are at recognizing our insignificance. I mean how many of us enjoy being passed over for the next guy? I rest my case. Watching someone else gain what we want is about as fun as having a colonoscopy. And if you think that’s fun then, well, we should probably be having a different discussion.

  • The Answer to Increasing Your Faith

    To listen to today’s Deeper Devo click HERE. Devotional Scripture: Mark 9:14-29 Key Verse: “And Jesus said to him, “‘If you can’! All things are possible for one who believes.” Immediately the father of the child cried out and said, “I believe; help my unbelief!”” Mark 9:23-24 As we turn the page following the most brilliant event anyone has ever observed this side of heaven (Christ’s transfiguration), the phrase “meanwhile, back at the ranch” feels appropriate. Things were not going well for the other disciples. Upon arriving back in town, Jesus, Peter, James, and John, find the others surrounded by a large crowd, arguing with the scribes due to a…