• Do You Need to Recapture the Wonder of Christmas?

    They call it the most wonderful time of year, but for many, I have a feeling it’s not. We string lights and add color, and with pretty things and presents under the tree, we try to add a little joy to our separate worlds. Meanwhile, most days, we’re a mess of emotions and worry and fear and stress. Each day, the world looks a little bleaker, and our LED Christmas lights can only shine so bright. 

  • Bible

    What If Today Was a Bible Story

    If God wrote down our story, what would the narrative say? What kind of words would echo into eternity regarding our faith? Would the church be recognized as a body of believers who lived cemented in God’s promises or as a bunch of couch potatoes who preferred watching church on television?

  • Loving God Is More Than a Sunday Thing

    Loving God is more than a Sunday thing. It's more than a Bible study thing or a once-a-year Easter thing. It's more than a tithing thing or a give-to-the-poor kind of thing. It's not an "I'll do it when I'm not so tired" kind of thing, or when it agrees with my politics kind of thing. Nor does it have anything to do with how we feel.

  • Learning to Live with Our Eyes Wide Open

    At the end of Mark chapter 10, there are seven verses about a guy named Bartimaeus. It’s a story much like many others found in the gospels. Bartimaeus was a blind beggar who sat roadside seeking handouts until he met Christ and joined the ranks of those who once were blind but now could see due to God’s great grace. Yet, there are a few aspects of Bartimaeus’s story I can’t stop rehearsing.

  • Are Eternal Rewards Enough for You?

    Radical abandonment of worldly treasure in exchange for radical trust in God’s goodness is easier said than done. Let’s go ahead and be honest about that. But listen: it’s when we make God our most treasured possession that we have a fighting chance at loving Him with our whole heart.

  • How to strengthen yourself in the Lord

    How to Strengthen Yourself in the Lord

    There’s no debating that hardships will happen; disappointments and struggles are just a part of life. Which means the question is not if we will face difficulties, but how we will respond to them when they take place. Will we strengthen ourselves in the Lord or settle for some other not-so-effective coping method?