50 Things Motherhood Has Taught Me

50 Things Motherhood Has Taught Me

  1. I need Jesus.
  2. Rotisserie chickens are the most versatile food there is.
  3. It’s called a trip if the kids are there. It’s called a vacation if they’re not.
  4. Store bought birthday cakes are perfectly acceptable.
  5. There really is no love like a mother’s love.
  6. When feeling less than adequate don’t peruse Pinterest.
  7. It’s a bad idea to try on a dress your husband got you when you were dating—anytime, at all, ever.
  8. Stay away from anyone who’s had the stomach flu for at least five years.
  9. Kids are more adaptable than we think.
  10. I still need Jesus.
  11. Discipline is only effective when consistent.
  12. Kids are always listening.
  13. My kid’s bad habits are probably my bad habits.
  14. Mothers deserve honorary engineering degrees.
  15. Not losing your temper counts as success.
  16. Negotiations over sippy cups are akin to crossing the diplomatic aisle.
  17. If you don’t cut it right, they won’t eat it.
  18. Moms deserve a raise.
  19. I will never get a raise.
  20. Again and again, I need Jesus.
  21. On so many levels my mother was right.
  22. Trust your instincts, not your fears.
  23. Enjoy them, they really do grow fast.
  24. Prayer is not a last resort; it’s my best option.
  25. Loving my kids means loving God.
  26. Find any reason you can to laugh.
  27. If you have kids under the age of five to-do lists only cause depression.
  28. Parents need to practice what they preach.
  29. Kids can tell when you’re not listening.
  30. Yep, still need Jesus.
  31. I am not perfect.
  32. When you need help, ask for it.
  33. If they’re being quiet, just don’t ask.
  34. A role of unrolled toilet paper just might buy you enough time to finish making dinner.
  35. An interrupted workout is better than no workout.
  36. All the staring grandmas at the grocery are just wishing they were young again or at least that’s what you need to tell yourself.
  37. You do not have to play with your kids, but you do need to parent your kids.
  38. When riding on the bottom tier of a shopping cart, be sure your daughter’s hair is in a ponytail.
  39. Contrary to popular belief, you can survive without sleep.
  40. I need Jesus even more today then I did yesterday.
  41. Motherhood makes the heart explode.
  42. When you’re a mom—even Wheel of Fortune will probably make you cry.
  43. If you google things like, “Why are my kids feet peeling?” be prepared to panic.
  44. Teachers are my favorite people.
  45. Croup is one of the scariest things in the world.
  46. Silence is golden.
  47. My kids don’t control my attitude—I do.
  48. Comparison is a thief of joy. (Though I’m not the one who originally said that, it’s so true in motherhood.)
  49. Sometimes moms need a time out too.
  50. I would have crawled in the corner a long time ago were it not for the faithful enabling of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

So what about you? What have you learned? Comment below. I’d love to hear from you. And happy mother’s day mamas!

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Post Image by Caroline Hernandez on Unsplash